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25 April 2023 - 6 minutes

The Importance of Continuous Learning Post-Bootcamp 

Learning doesn’t stop once your bootcamp finishes.


Changing The Future of Tech Education

Articles by Ironhack


Bootcamps are an amazing way to learn an enormous amount of information in a short period of time about practically any field. But what happens after? You’ve learned the foundational elements and the job market has opened up to you, providing you with opportunity after opportunity. You apply, get your first job (congratulations!), and the real world of tech is at your fingertips. 

But entering the tech industry means real problems to solve, more to learn, and a lot of networking. Although bootcamps provide their students with a great foundational education and lots of job and networking opportunities upon completion, your learning doesn’t stop there. The concept of continuous learning is about expanding both your knowledge and skill sets to improve and taking that initiative to widen your horizon is a worthwhile pursuit. But why is it important for you to continue learning in the world of tech? Let’s discuss.

Getting hired

The job market for those in IT recently took a hit after big tech giants like FAANG took a nosedive and unfortunately, upwards of 100,000 tech jobs were lost in the last quarter of 2022.  Nevertheless, the tech sector is resilient and powerful, and there are still a huge amount of opportunities in the job market. 

As the world keeps introducing more and more technologies, the need for more jobs to support them is crucial. According to Ironhack’s 2023 Global State of Tech Report, companies like Microsoft estimate that by 2025 they will offer 149 million digital jobs in cybersecurity, data analysis, and more. And that’s not all: the IT labor market will grow in 2023 and a staggering 174,000 positions will open. 

What does that mean for newcomers and bootcamp graduates? A lot of companies are hiring and developing their employees’ abilities with job experiences and upskilling; however, it’s important to have a realistic perspective about the job market: the more skilled and experienced the professional, the more likely they’ll be hired. Luckily for tech newcomers, one of the biggest issues that tech companies are facing is skilled professionals to fill their positions; to show recruiters that you won’t stop learning is incredibly important and needs to be reflected on your resume. After all, hiring managers want to fill those positions with qualified professionals.

For example, knowing more languages than just JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for a front end development job increases the likelihood that a company hires you; if you apply for a cybersecurity position and you include several Hackathons as experience, it could show you take the initiative, enjoy a challenge, and value situations that push you to use your critical-thinking skills. Beefing up that resume with valuable experiences and new skill sets is how you stand out to those recruiters and get that job. 

Promotions and upward mobility

The tech industry is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5% up until 2024 and as a result, the possibilities for upward mobility are on the rise too. Continuous learning post-bootcamp is valuable to not only get hired for your first job, but also to get promoted later on. Starting off at an entry level position has value; as you continue gaining more experience in your position, all types of job openings will become available and they will require expanded skill sets and knowledge

When there are a few options for a new role within your company, you can show your hiring manager that you mean business. How? Maybe you’ve learned new software, a new coding language, or new ways to gather data; showing your boss your determination to improve yourself makes you stand out just enough. 

Technology and the industry are always changing

Have you checked out ChatGPT yet? If you have used it, you may have already had a small existential crisis since this artificial intelligence tool could do the work of a few humans at once, writing out a 500-word essay, several web page design elements, and a business report in just a matter of seconds. But if you haven’t taken it for a test drive, try it out; you’ll be amazed to see what it’s capable of producing in no time flat. 

Similarly to ChatGPT, other technologies are advancing at light speed and they have no intention of stopping any time soon. But what does that mean for people who are directly responsible for its unstoppable power forward? For those in the tech sector, there are both pros and cons:


  • Increases in productivity: these tools can write, think, and develop ideas faster than human beings can; by leveraging that speed, professionals can reach new levels of efficiency. 

  • More job openings: as more technology and more solutions are invented, they will need more oversight and maintenance; more jobs will be created.

  • Enhanced security: creating improved firewalls and threat eradication programs and a variety of other new and effective cybersecurity tools will be crucial in the future.

  • Improved innovation and creation: more sophisticated tools give way to more innovative inventions and technologies, increasing the speed at which they will be developed.


  • More sophisticated and harmful cybersecurity threats: just like with every superhero, there’s a new supervillain that invades the city; improved cybersecurity leads to worse cyberattacks and data breaches.

  • Stress and responsibility of continuous learning: keeping up with all the new state-of-the-art technologies can be a stressful burden, especially when you have to do so on your own time.

As both harmful and beneficial advancements in technology arrive in the market, IT professionals have to prepare to stay up-to-date. As technology adapts and evolves, the industry does as well; professionals across the board have to acclimate to the effects of neverending technological advancements, globalization, sustainability efforts, and evolving business models.

Creating connections and making contacts

During bootcamps, you have the opportunity to meet new people and make connections that could join you in the hiring process and beyond. And just like in bootcamps, there are many more networking opportunities at Hackathons or conferences that can be beneficial for more professional opportunities. 

In addition to opening more doors, those contacts can be great sources of knowledge themselves; we all have our own tips and tricks to share and learning directly from a friend is free of charge. 

How Can You Continue Learning Post-Bootcamp?

We know that continuous learning post bootcamp is important for making contacts, creating job opportunities, and staying up-to-date with technology, but how do we go about it? The following opportunities, events, and resources are a few ways to make it happen.


Big groups of people meeting just to talk about the latest and greatest in technology and beyond all weekend long? Sounds like the perfect way to learn and network. Conferences take place all over the world and vary in topics; professional and knowledgeable speakers lead panels at conferences and can share insights on the most cutting-edge technology and developments in the field

Networking at conferences is also a huge selling point since peers there are looking to improve, learn more, and show initiative. Speakers also provide a fantastic opportunity to see the profiles of those higher-ups and potentially speak with them directly to pick their brains. 


Some companies are reinvesting in their employees and helping them develop their abilities and knowledge through upskilling. The skills learned through upskilling are absolutely within their domain and professional development comes directly from the company and its resources; employees grow in their field without spending a dime. And upskilling provides their employees with the skill sets that they will need for the next step on the ladder.  

Workshops and other courses

Bootcamps like Ironhack are great foundational classes and provide students with everything they need to know to have a strong base; however, accessory classes and workshops can also be extremely helpful in acquiring those more specific or rare skill sets. You can find a wide variety of courses and workshops designed for professionals already working in the field online or in-person. 

Online resources and books

Now that we live in the age of information, the amount of data that we have access to is limitless. New publications come out daily in the form of YouTube videos, books, podcasts, magazines, online forums, websites, blog posts, and much more–and some are free! But investing in yourself and in your career does mean sometimes putting your money where your mouth is, buying a few books throughout the year and subscribing to a monthly magazine. 

Nevertheless, the amount of free yet reliable information across the internet is staggering. 


What do you get when a large group of coders and passionate professionals meet to solve a problem together? A hackathon. Normally organized by educational institutions, communities, or companies, hackathons unite a group of not only programmers, but also designers and other professionals to tackle a problem or develop a prototype over a few days or hours’ time.

At a hackathon, it’s likely that you won’t know everyone present or exactly how to solve the issue at hand and as a result, there’s a lot to learn and do. When time has run out, the judges will even award a prize to the team with the best solution. Overall it is a fun, difficult, and enriching experience for all those involved. 

Bootcamps can be exhausting, especially when they’re done in a 9 week span, and afterwards you may feel as if you have a lot on your plate. That’s a very normal experience after learning several new skill sets and even new languages in such a short time. It’s important to keep in mind that continuous learning is about always improving and making yourself the best you can be; however, post bootcamp, a little breather from learning may be exactly what the doctor ordered. 

In the long run, learning never does truly end and you will be able to dive back in soon.

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