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2 November 2023 - 7 minutes

Breaking Down the UX/UI Designer Job Description

Learn how to analyze UX/UI designer job descriptions to determine if they align with your skills and career goals. 


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As you’ve been searching for the perfect UX/UI designer position, you may have encountered job descriptions that leave you unsure of what the position actually requires. Or perhaps you’re unclear on what the role actually entails. Don’t worry: you're not alone. 

Sifting through job postings can be a daunting task, and even more so when we find ourselves distracted by the promise of remote work or free snacks at the office. Identifying what’s important to you in a work environment, what skills you have, and what salary range you expect is crucial to determining if a role is worth applying to. Further, getting clear on your expectations and experience, will force you to look for that specific information in a job posting. 

We know that the process of applying for jobs is already stressful. That’s precisely why Ironhack has created this guide to teach you how to break down UX/UI designer job descriptions. Understanding the role is pivotal in determining if the position suits you, and if it’s a job in which you’ll be successful. 

What is a Job Description? 

In the past, job descriptions may have simply outlined the position’s responsibilities, but in recent years they’ve become more complex than you’d think. Nowadays, companies are interested in recruiting the top talent, expanding their applicant pool, and promoting their organization as part of the recruitment process. Knowing this, their job postings often go above and beyond in hopes of securing top candidates for the role. 

Job descriptions are important to an organization for several reasons: 

  • First and foremost, they’re crucial to attracting suitable candidates for the position they need filled. This means the posting must be clear in what it requires in order to attract qualified candidates to apply. Equally, it’s the first point of connection with future employees, hoping to leave a strong first impression on potential candidates. 

  • A job description should outline the basic responsibilities of the position. Potential candidates rely on the job description in order to know what’s expected of them. 

  • A job description should ultimately help screen candidates. It should be clear on how many years of experience it expects of applicants, or what programming languages one should know, thus filtering out early on unqualified applicants

  • Accurate job descriptions aid future performance evaluations of contracted employees. In other words, if a job description is clear on a worker’s tasks, it’s easier to structure an evaluation to see where contracted employees fall short. Having a clear job description allows the employer to clearly point to how the employee is underperforming. 

  • Job descriptions should be honest and transparent in the information they share. Companies should be clear about expectations for applicants, ensuring that the person selected is in fact capable and able to be successful in the position. Additionally, misinformation and inaccuracies in job descriptions leads to not only frustrations among applicants, but can hurt the company’s reputation in the long-run. 

Job descriptions are typically composed of the following sections: 

  • Company overview: most job descriptions open with a description of the company. This is a brief overview of who they are, outlining their core activities, and why they’re looking to contract a new employee for the specified position. This portion of the job description often includes details about the sector, where the company is located, and the organization’s core values and ethos. 

  • Job summary: after getting a clearer sense of what the organization does, the following section delineates the specific role and the company’s expectations from the prospective employee. This section includes the job title and provides a concise summary of the core responsibilities associated with the position.  

  • Position responsibilities: although the job summary briefly comments on what is required of the role, the following section goes into much greater detail on those responsibilities. Position responsibilities are outlined such that potential applicants have a clear understanding of the duties, and are able to determine whether or not the role aligns with their experience and career goals. 

  • Job qualifications and requirements: the next section further breaks down expectations of the candidates, it outlines the essential prerequisites for the job. These can include specific experience levels, industry expertise, programming language proficiency, and more. Additionally, this section includes vital details about in-person or remote work policies. It’s important to read through these job qualifications and only apply for jobs that you are qualified for so that you position yourself for success. 

  • Skills: it’s likely that the job requirements list essential skills and competencies required to excel in the position. This includes both hard and soft skills. Know that the skills listed are rarely up for negotiation. 

  • Job preferences: in the ever-evolving tech industry, HR departments are well aware of the changing expectations of tech professionals. That said, it’s not uncommon for hiring managers to hire applicants who fail to fulfill every single requirement. The job preferences section makes note of the additional skills or qualities that the company would love potential candidates to have, but do not consider mandatory for the job. More often than not, these are abilities that can be acquired through on-the-job training. That said, apply regardless of if you possess these preferences. 

  • Job conditions and benefits: this section includes information regarding the salary range, remote work possibilities, vacation days, benefits, and any additional incentives associated with the position. This section speaks wonders about the company’s culture and will provide great insights into what your experience may be like working there.  

  • Information on the application process: finally, most job descriptions include instructions on exactly how to apply, including the submission of resumes, cover letters, additional application forms, and the deadlines for applications. 

In all, the job description should give you a comprehensive understanding of the role, the company, and what is expected of you, with the purpose of helping you determine if you’re interested in applying for the position. 

UX/UI Designer Job Description

Knowing the standard format will allow you to better understand how to interpret job descriptions specific to UX/UI design. Let’s break down each section as it relates to UX/UI designer job postings.  

Take note of the various roles within UX/UI design that may interest you. In scanning for jobs, pay attention to if you’re looking at a UX/UI researcher job description, a UX/UI engineer job description, or perhaps a UX/UI writer job description. Again, getting clear on the differences and your specific skill sets and interests will save you time in the job hunting process. 

Company description

Today, the demand for UX/UI expertise extends across diverse sectors. Every industry, from healthcare to entertainment, seeks skilled designers to enhance user experiences. In considering potential employers, it’s important to delve into company descriptions. Not only is it your introduction to their values and mission, but it’s where you first begin to envision yourself forming part of their organization. It’s pivotal to find a company that aligns or compliments your values and purpose as a UX/UI designer. 

Role description

In the context of UX/UI design, the role description illuminates the specific creative landscape you’ll be navigating. It outlines the core objectives and design challenges you’ll encounter, giving you a taste of the projects you’ll be shaping. Whether it’s crafting intuitive user interfaces or conducting user research, the role description paints a clear picture of your design journey within the organization. 

Job responsibilities 

The job responsibilities section reveals the heart of your day-to-day duties as a UX/UI designer. These detailed tasks encompass everything from wireframing and prototyping to conducting usability tests. Each responsibility signifies a crucial aspect of your role, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of UX/UI design. 

Job requirements

The job requirements section in UX/UI design roles delineate the essential skills and qualifications needed to be successful in the role. These requirements may range from proficiency in design software to a deep understanding of user-centered design principles. These requirements serve as the foundation of your expertise. Additionally, they often involve a combination of technical skills and soft skills. 

Job preferences

In the pursuit of a UX/UI design role, understanding job preferences is pivotal. While job requirements outline essential skills, the preferences make note of additional attributes that may set you apart. These preferences often include creativity, empathy, and an eye for aesthetics. In looking for UX/UI design positions, embrace the fact that UX/UI design is a dynamic field where innovative and creative thinking is highly valued. 

Job conditions

In considering job conditions in UX/UI design roles, attention to detail is paramount. Beyond the standard salary and benefits, factors such as collaboration dynamics, design tools availability, and project flexibility play a crucial role in your day-to-day work experience. Equally, consider if remote work options, a creative workspace, or opportunities for professional development align with your career aspirations. 

There’s no doubt that job hunting is challenging and can become an overwhelming process. That said, we want to provide you with the resources to make that career transition and job application process less stressful. We’d recommend checking out our carefully crafted UX/UI Design Bootcamp in order to prepare you for the job hunting process. Whether you’re aspiring to enter the field or simply aiming to acquire new skills, signing up for one of our courses may be the key to success. What are you waiting for? 

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